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Born on May 30th, 2013 as a response to the crucial and growing need for a stronger support system for African refugee families and other African families as well as individuals in Central Florida, Africans Family and Community Outreach, Inc. (AFCO) has come to be known as the Organization whose services to the families and individuals are centered on cultural orientation, advocacy and Community building.

African refugee and immigrants throughout the world, in

U.S.A. and particularly in Central Florida, reached a

significant number in the past 20 years; this number was

expected to double or even triple in the next 5 to 10 years.

Local governments and agency resettlement programs are

the main service providers and do what they can within

their power and limit. Difficulties and challenges in

cultural orientation, spiritual, emotional and social

support these families and individuals face during their

first two to three years of resettlement in Central Florida

have persisted and remained quite challenging. The lack

Most African immigrants, refugees in particular come to the USA from very traumatizing situations of war and poverty. The lack of a smooth cultural orientation and mentorship during their first three years in their country of resettlement easily act as a setback to fear, disorientation, isolation, marginalization, discouragement, disillusion, anger, more traumas, and a disequilibrium that can have long lasting effects in their lives. Cases of health problems, domestic violence, and other forms of domestic abuses and scarcity of jobs are frequent among them. The vulnerability, ignorance and great challenges that come with

being a refugee, an immigrant and a stranger present great challenge to all of us and call for a sustained support for this group of people. AFCO was born as a community outreach that provides advocacy, educational and cultural support.​

As an organization and Community we believe in the famous Roman expression “Nothing about Us without Us.” President Nelson Mandela echoed these words by saying, “What is done for us, without us, is against us”. Encouraging, inviting, and allowing different members of the local Community to get involved in matters that concern them is a fundamental path to justice and peace that has been undermined for centuries. Today, this path is more than an imperative for the attainment of Peaceful family and Community life as we engage African refugees and immigrants, not just as service beneficiaries, but also as Community service partners. “Whether the world seems a pleasant or a hostile place is largely the result of the cumulative impression of seemingly insignificant daily encounters.”

Sincerely, our Board of directors  and Leadership Teammembers,

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Gloire Simenya

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Ibrahim Shabani

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Abdurazak Abdu

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Yves Bouele


Gabriel Ipasu

of a sustained emotional support, cultural orientation and

mentorship, effective learning of English, access to healthcare and education for themselves and for their children are the main causes of serious instability and dysfunctional life among them.

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