Thank You For Visiting Us!

Join us: We cherish partnership, working together and diversify our service; we all can serve and serve together. We have a place for you at the table of serving families and individuals in need.
Support us financially: A loving leader once said, “money is the muscle…”, the muscle of many services we provide to those in need. Your financial support we pray for.
Your support at any sincere and practical level is welcome.
Pray for us: When you sincerely pray for us or prayerfully think of us and wish us well, God meets all of our needs for all the services we provide to the families. Prayers make and lead the way.

Physical Address:
C/O Summit Church
735 Herndon Ave.
Orlando, Fl. 32803
Mailing Address:
3208-C E. Colonial Dr. # 459
Orlando, Florida 32803